So Long Cairns


We spent a couple of weeks total in Cairns. We spent a lot of time hanging out with friends, and even when we weren’t hanging out together we’d constantly run into each other around town. It’s that kind of place. The waterfront esplanade area was right along the way to … Read More

Cans, Caaaans


We’re in Cairns (pronounced Cans, but with a drawn-out a) and are a pretty happy lot right now. Two boats full of friends are here as well, so the kids have a pack to run around town with. They spend their days wandering off to the mall, down the esplanade, … Read More

Australian Barbie


Australian winter weather seems to be hit-or-miss. It’s definitely not all blue skies and sun like we envision it to be. Most mornings have looked like this, and the ten day forecast is pretty gray as well. Every afternoon seems to give us at least some sun, though. All along … Read More

The Coral Sea


We left Vanuatu with a ten-day passage in front of us, about five of which looked good on the forecast. After a few days of nice downwind running we’d get smacked across the face by a front coming at us from the southwest. We hoped it might die down a … Read More