Ouest turned five today. She has been looking forward to this birthday for months and months. Eventually we had to put up a calendar and let her cross off the days as they ticked by. Part of her excitement no doubt came from us telling her that we didn’t want … Read More
Lowe’s Third
Lowe’s third birthday began with wet gray skies, and ended the same. None of which affected the party itself. The morning started off with balloon mayhem, as usual, moved on to Play-Doh for a while, and then the cupcakes came out. That’s when we discovered that Lowe has no idea … Read More
Forty Years
I turned forty yesterday. Cuarenta años. Supposed to be a big deal I suppose, but I’m not feeling much drama. I look in the mirror and can see that I look older these days—which would really suck I suppose if I were single and trying to date twenty-five year-olds, but … Read More
Four Years Old
Ouest turned four today. Ali mentioned how impossible it seems that it was four years ago that we were down in Puerto Vallarta walking across the street from our condo to the hospital to have her. Birthdays are kind of our thing. We don’t really go in for holidays, and … Read More
Nineteen Months Lowe, Thirty-Nine Months Ouest
Without young kids the months just sort of disappeared without anything to mark them. Now I feel the passing of each month deeply. The changes happening faster than I can do anything to stop them. We joke with Ouest all the time that we don’t want her to get any … Read More