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In the last eight years we’ve spent Christmas in the Bahamas, the States, Thailand, Grenada, Mexico, Colombia, Mexico, the States, and now Mexico again. All this really means is that we’ve managed to a very great extent to spend the holidays with family in exotic locations without spending any time … Read More

Ali Flipped

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Another December birthday? All we seem to eat around here is cake. We had a really nice day. Ali flipped the calendar, her mom got to relive the day all those years ago, and we all got to celebrate and be happy for no particular reason other than that we … Read More

Two Fish In Water

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Typical day in Barra. Breakfast at the French Bakers, shopping at the market, swimming, fish and chips or chili rellenos at Ramon’s, churros for dessert, and a little play time in the town’s main plaza. Ouest is full on when it comes to pool time. She is as crazy about … Read More

No Go

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We went out to the boat this morning along with my brother who was designated the family photographer. Yep, we were determined once again to get a good picture of the four of us. We got ready and before the first frame was shot Ouest decided she wanted nothing to … Read More

Out with the Fam

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Lowe is teething, and that sucks. We can feel the tooth now, though it hasn’t broken through. He’s been having a hard time the past couple of days. We went to dinner tonight at some scubby little beachside place on the lagoon side. We chose the place mainly so Ouest … Read More

Two Wheeled

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Ouest and Lowe are feeling the love. It’s really great to have the family here. It has always lifted our spirits to be with family, but now we can see how much it affects our kids. Especially Ouest. She seems to blossom when she is around them. New words come … Read More

Grand Arrival

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You know, I was thinking the other day that I may just be becoming a sailor after all. Not because I am any good at sailing, in fact now that I’m on a monohull I think my sailing abilities have regressed to the point that I’d be considered a beginner … Read More

Uncle Arrival

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Uncle JJ is here. He’s never met Lowe and hasn’t seen Ouest in a year, so there were some pretty dramatic changes in store for him. Ouest is currently sizing him up and seems to think he is some sort of bear that shouldn’t be messed with. A day or … Read More

Grammy Arrival

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Grammy is here. And all is right in the world again. Ouest took about ten seconds to warm up to “Leelee” and spent the next two hours trying to impress her with her jumping ability, her climbing ability, her spitting ability, and her giggling ability. Lowe impressed her just by … Read More

Barra Arrival

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Barra de Navidad for Christmas. Fitting. My mom arrives tomorrow, brother the day after, and Ali’s parents a day after that. We left Tenacatita early this morning and motored the short fifteen miles around the corner in calm seas to Barra. The Barra entrance is a little nerve wracking. There … Read More