Mount Rushmore


We love this place. Nothing—aside from maybe the Statue of Liberty—screams “America” quite so loudly. We’ve been telling the kids about Mount Rushmore for months now, and I was a little afraid that maybe we had overdone it. But then, a couple of hours after we had left, Lowe said out of the blue, “Mama, I really liked Mount Rushmore.”

Also, earlier in the morning while driving down the road, Ouest said, “I’m having fun on this road trip.”

It’s one thing to have the kids say things like this when you ask them, “Are you having fun?” but another thing entirely for these comments to come all on their own. Made me feel like this trip—which is really just reliving our own childhood trips—is doing a good job of instilling the same fun memories in them.

Sep14-1 Sep14-2 Sep14-3This guy is taking it old school. Panasonic VHS Reporter. I should have asked him the story behind that camera. He was probably shooting video for the local news on that thing thirty years ago.

Sep14-4Sep14-5If you don’t have this picture of yourself then you haven’t seen America yet. Simple as that.

Sep14-6 Sep14-7 Sep14-9Clearly we asked the kids for one too many family photos on this day.

Sep14-10This is Ouest taking the Junior Ranger pledge—second time in as many days. If you have any questions regarding Mount Rushmore please direct them to this young lady.

Sep14-11 Sep14-12The car is getting a little dusty. Six days, nine hundred miles, quite a few dirt roads, and lots and lots of state highways. Half a quart of oil, two vacuumings, and not a single adjustment or tinker to the engine. Pretty successful run so far.

Sep14-13 Sep14-14 Sep14-15The begging burros. These guys are descended from pack animals that used to haul tourists around and were simply let loose into the park at some point, so they don’t technically fit the title of wild animals. And that is why we felt no compunction about feeding them a bag of Goldfish. That, and the fact that it was absolutely hilarious. None of us could stop laughing at the ridiculousness of having two giant burro heads shoved gently inside our tiny car.

Sep14-17 Sep14-18 Sep14-19 Sep14-20 Sep14-21 Sep14-22 Sep14-23Bunch of jackasses.

Sep14-24We caught up to the bison just as they finished milling along this dirt road and filed off into the forest like dairy cows at milking time.

Sep14-25 Sep14-26


15 Comments on “Mount Rushmore”

  1. Loving reliving my childhood through your roadtrip! I grew in Luverne, Mn (but also lived in Sioux Falls, near Pipestone, etc) and spent many, many a summer hitting Wall drug and the Corn Palace and the badlands. Looking forward to what you might see next along the road 🙂

  2. Love the burros! Finally got our family (of two) photo in front of Mount Rushmore last year…so much to see when driving across country. We did the Corn Palace and Wall Drug also. It’s been fun reliving our own trip through yours. Glad the kids are having fun!

  3. What is Lowe doing with the stick in the woods? Also, couldn’t agree with you more regarding Mount Rushmore. The great American Road Trip has to include the trip across South Dakota.

  4. Did you drive 16A through Custer S.P.? Don’t see any photos of the tunnels. If you missed it… oh well

  5. Did you see Rushmore “through” the two tunnels (once forwards and once in the rear view mirror)? And the “Pig Tail” bridges? Worth the price of admission! You sure it was 16A? We camped there a week in Bessie… How about Wind Cave NP?

    1. Yep. Pretty cool. We’ve been through before during Sturgis on the bikes. That was fun too. Didn’t go to Wind Cave, just did the loop on down through Custer.

  6. You, know, I realized that it’s actually a much bigger compliment coming from your kids since they are already very accustomed to “vacation” since traveling is already their lifestyle.

    I also did that trip when I was young (Montreal -> Vancouver thru Canada, Vancouver -> Montreal thru the USA). It was so memorable! A trip of a lifetime!

    1. When your whole life is pretty much an endless road trip it’s a little difficult to make one day stand out more than another. I think we’re doing it on this trip.

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