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After Ouest got ready for bed tonight she looked at my shirt and asked what one of the words was. Tacos. “I want to write tacos before I go to sleep.”

So in her pajamas she sat down at her little desk and we wrote T-a-C-O-s.

And this illustrates the biggest change that going to school has had on her these past couple of weeks. Everywhere we go now she wants her little notebook and crayons so she can do “homework.” She practices her letters over and over again while sitting at restaurants, while perched on the steps of the gazebo in the plaza, and sometimes while we walk down the sidewalk. At home she goes through fifty sheets of paper a day.

She is eating this stuff up. We’ve always been big readers and enjoyed coloring and painting, but this newfound love of writing and putting together words is something that can only be attributed to school. It’s great.

Today I asked her if she wanted to run to the store with me to get Lowe some medicine (he caught a cold that can also be attributed directly to Ouest’s school). She scrambled and said, “Let me make a list.”

She asked how to spell medicine. I shortened it to MED. Then without prompting she wrote M-O-O and said we needed leche too. Cow-Moo-Milk is how that thought process went.

At the store she proudly reminded me what we were there for while clinging to her list.

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