Ice Wash


We took the kids to a movie for the first time today. Ouest, at Lowe’s age, would have never sat still for two hours to watch a movie, but he chilled out the entire time, with his only complaint being the volume. Ouest dug it too. She asked me why the popcorn was so big and I told her that it was actually a small. Completely blew her mind.

Lowe is a tongue-sticker-outer. When he’s concentrating on something the tongue comes out. Here he is rocking a pair of scissors before getting down from the table, picking up a ball, and throwing down a wicked slam-dunk.

Jan10 1 Jan10 2 Jan10 3 Jan10 4

I don’t know how kids do it. They just don’t care how cold they get. Neither one of them has complained once about being cold, while I can’t seem to do anything but complain about being cold. I guess I need snow pants, mittens, and the ability to ignore the frozen snot streaming down my face.

Jan10 5 Jan10 6

I fully expect that Frosty will live well into August.

Jan10 7 Jan10 8 Jan10 9 Jan10 10 Jan10 11 Jan10 12 Jan10 13

It got up to thirty degrees today, which combined with the fact that my father-in-law has hot water plumbing in his garage, meant that I could spray down the bus. I wasn’t really looking to wash it, but to douse it and check for leaks before I go and cover the roof back up inside. There were no real surprises. A couple of window seals will need to be replaced, but the roof looks good so far. Tomorrow we’re hoping to move it into a friend’s shed. There are two snow covered hills to negotiate to get it in there, so things could get interesting.

Jan10 14 Jan10 15


12 Comments on “Ice Wash”

  1. Just looking at all that snow make us glad we are in a warm place. If anything, thanks for reminding us why we don’t want to live in the North. Brrrrrr!

    (no offence intended to people who love the snow – just not for us)

    Mark and Cindy

  2. Children have fast metabolisms to keep them warm, and your kids appear to have better winter clothing than you do (snow pants).

    1. First thing I thought of when I saw that story today was Bumfuzzle. I knew it was just a matter of time before Mexico screwed up but would never have guessed it would be over $70 permits.

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