Counting Down


Been completely in the bus zone the past few days. A million and one things to do before we close the door, buckle our belts, and hit the road. Mananaoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (that was me falling asleep at the keyboard).

Not much to say, and I haven’t been good about taking pictures either. Too much work to be done. Tomorrow it’ll all be a distant memory and we can move on to the fun of a new adventure.

Mar23 1 Mar23 2 Mar23 3

Trying out the new chairs and rocking out to some recently burned kids music.

Mar23 4

Decided to give the Trojan 6v batteries a try this time around. They fit beautifully. Need to replace a couple more old cables in there still.

Mar23 5 Mar23 6


9 Comments on “Counting Down”

  1. Insanely jealous!! 🙂 We are closer and closer to being able to pull up roots and move….we will get there!!

    Enjoy this newest adventure…and safe travels!

  2. All you need now is bike racks so that the kids can park the little pink Jeep in the garage :-).
    BTW, what happened to the solar array (is it on the to-do list)?
    Safe travels.

  3. Nice upgrade from the red and yellow car! Is it going with you? Max spent a week or so before Christmas one year (about 10 years ago) with “some assembly required” Barbie Jeep. That granddaughter is now driving her own car. Max let her drive the Vette last week when they were here (Palm Springs) for Spring Break. Looks like you are about ready to get on the road again. Know you will have many exciting adventures to report. Looking forward to reading about them.

  4. Pat, I’d be interested in your impressions about the relative efficiency in terms of how space is allocated on boats and RVs. My lay perspective has always been the boat designers effectively use every nook and cranny, whereas not the case in RVs. True? Rebuilding the inside of your Dodge, what boat-inspired lessons are you incorporating? All the best, Michael

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