When we got back to the boat the other day one of our two turbo fans wasn’t working any more. One of our DC boat fans wasn’t working either. The little turbo fan was the killer though. That thing puts out enough air to feel it from one end of the boat to the other. And here comes one of those things I love about Mexico; nothing is ever really broken. We asked at the office if they knew anyone who might be able to fix it. Five minutes later one of the guys who is always hanging out around the docks stopped by and took the fan. Today, less than a day later, he came back, told me it had gotten water in it and was all corroded. He replaced a couple of bushings, cleaned up the corrosion, and it is running like new. How much? Twelve bucks.
When I say there is a ton of storage on this boat, I do mean a ton. And not like in the catamaran where all the cabinets were about four inches deep; on this boat we can keep our small children in any number of hidden compartments.