Barn Find


Look what I found in an old pole barn today. Amazing that people have these sweet cars and just let them sit in a barn, isn’t it?

Actually, this is our one and only possession in the world that we have no intention of ever parting with. When we drove from Puerto Vallarta to Minnesota back in March of 2010—with a three-month-old Ouest—we had no idea that we wouldn’t be making another Porsche road trip for a very long time. This is really the sort of story that all people tell when reminiscing about why their old car became abandoned under a heap of lawn supply detritus in a forlorn shack at the back of the property. Life got in the way.

In our case a boat got in the way. Then winters got in the way. Then an old RV with only a few less curves came into the picture and, well, someday.

She looks exactly the same as the day we left her. Still beautiful. It was eight degrees below zero today, so I didn’t even entertain the idea of firing her up, and truth is, I probably shouldn’t until I tune her up anyway. I’m sure we’ll visit Minnesota in summer some year.

Feb23-5 Feb23-3 Feb23-4 Feb23-1 Feb23-2


18 Comments on “Barn Find”

  1. The 356 might be one of your greatest investment assets – the Porsche bubble on them is still expanding – glad you are not thinking of selling it!

  2. Looking good, Mr Fuzzle. I bet little boy Bleu will be happy to help drive her one day, and probably sooner than you’ll be ready for him to … Good news from Memphis! Will be wrapping up my life here over the next couple of months, in order to go full-time nomad. Plan to begin by heading to northern MN, to paddle the Mississippi River from source to sea. After that, am not sure, but I figure after sleeping on the riverbank for three months that a smallish camper-van will feel deluxe. Also have a motorcycle I bought last year, may travel on it some. Cheers!

  3. Did you store it properly?? Drain all the gas, run the carb dry, fill cylinders with oil, remove battery,cover with a good car cover, put up on blocks, etc, etc, be a shame not to…

  4. Pat,
    I can’t believe it took you that long to go look at the Porsche after arriving back in Minnesota. I would have checked on her before entering the house!

  5. We have the opposite end of a Porsche. We decided to keep our old 1973 VW Convertible Super Beetle while out sailing. It was just too hard to part with it and no one seemed to think it was worth what we would be willing to take to part with it. It is stored while we go sailing and will one day be uncovered and set free to tear up the road.

    Mark and Cindy

  6. I am pretty sure the 356 is covered with a car cover (I think I see it along the right side). There is no way it could be that clean without the cover (especially in a barn). Pat the car looks beautiful

  7. Sigh. I’m a true 356 wonk. Got into 912’s as they at least shared the same lovely mill. I miss my ’67 912 Targa with the zip out rear window… 28-32 mpg and very comfortable Recaro seats, sheepskin from NZ.

    I still have a photo somewhere… shot on the Blue Ridge Parkway in the snow at a road closed sign.

  8. You should consider converting yourself and wife
    And raising your kids as National-Socialists. They
    Would be much better off and a lot happier in the long
    Run trust me. It’s just seeing those big blue eyes of your
    Family makes me realise we are all one big racial family.

  9. I remember drooling over that car parked right behind my 181 at Flying Pie Pizza on our first meet up. Great to see it on occasion and know that it will never leave your possession. Love to the Schulte Clan.

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