Cyclone to America


Getting the boat ready to leave is a big project. Ali cleans everything from top to bottom, and we go through pretty much everything we own in order to get rid of anything we’re not wearing or haven’t used in the last year. We were able to clear a lot of space, which will no doubt be needed when we return from the States after Christmas and birthdays with bags loaded to the hilt.

We’re fortunate to have friends staying here at the marina with young kids who are eager to take on the responsibility of caring for Georgie while we are away. They’ll also keep an eye on Bumfuzzle and try to keep her on top of the water.

Of course as we scrambled to get ready the last couple of days the rains decided to fill in, leaving us little room to dry things out before packing them away. We eventually got the boat squared away, and with sweat dripping down our backs, we headed for the airport.

The airport. No need to arrive early.

I love that the Fiji tourism board chose to use a terribly photoshopped image for their scuba diving promo instead of just getting a good photo to begin with.

Da plane, da plane! Sorry, it has to be said any time a small plane lands on an island.

They issue seats by weight distribution. We were asked if Ouest would mind sitting “up front” by herself, and for a few minutes we were excited by the prospect of seat 1C meaning 1-Copilot. Alas, she was alone in the front row, behind the pilot instead of alongside. She wouldn’t need to take the controls on this flight.

This puddle jumper took off two hours early, as Fiji Airways bumped all of the day’s flights up in an effort to get them off the ground before the Category 3 cyclone hit later that night. Yeah, the flight out of Fiji that we booked weeks earlier was due to lift off from Nadi at 10 pm, which coincided perfectly with the expected landfall of Cyclone Mal.

In the picture below, the boat is at the green dot, which is where our first flight left from. Our next flight would be from Nadi, which is right on the west side of the big island that looks like it is about to be wiped off the map by the cyclone.

In the end, the cyclone passed just a bit further southwest than expected, the marina was untouched, and our flight from Nadi to San Francisco left on time and without incident. Our connection was going to be tight in San Francisco so we were happy to have the flight leave early. We got to SFO with time for a nice lunch, and then got to sit around another for about eight hours while our one hour flight to Portland was delayed. Thirty-six hours after leaving the boat we touched down in Portland.

First sign we weren’t in Fiji anymore—the trees.

Second sign we weren’t in Fiji anymore—the plants.

Grammy doesn’t live in Portland any longer (she’s on the other side of the river), but we still go over to the park across the street from her old house, where the kids spent so much time when they were little—often during hurricane season.

Grammy is doing great these days. Just amazing considering where we were a year ago.

Bridget is happy to be with the kids again.

We seem to have missed peak fall colors by a few days here, but there are still a lot of trees hanging onto their leaves. This big Japanese Maple is hanging over the neighbor’s tiny home.


20 Comments on “Cyclone to America”

  1. Love your travels and seeing pictures of Linda, my grade school friend. Be safe n keep having fun xo

  2. I grew up across the street from Willamette park, you know next door to Grammy. Did you get a look at what our house looks like these days?

    1. Hi Jacquie, Good to hear from you again. Well your house was completely torn down and rebuilt with a huge house. Grammy’s ex-house is looking good, they repainted it a darker gray, and it looks like they are taking good care of it.

  3. Glad you missed the cyclone and are back in the States…..Grammy looks excellent!!!Happy for Georgie in good hands…Marilyn…

  4. Good to see Grammy is doing so well. Is that a 57 Chevy at Taco Bell? Still enjoy following your travels and adventures. Have a good Holiday season.

  5. How fun to be back with family for awhile! Your mom looks amazing and what a sweet pic of you two with your matching smiles 😊. Enjoy your family time!

  6. Give your mom a hug from me. Miss her.. So happy she’s doing well.Always love following your family on your travels.

  7. So glad your trip turned out well! Grammy looks great! Take care all. Have a great holiday season with family and friends.

  8. Your Mom looks great. Covid can be such a hard knock. So weird how it affects everyone so differently. Enjoy the fall weather in Portland. Hope you get some snow in Minnesota.

  9. Great story and pictures. I flew in the same plane from Savu Savu to Suva and looking through the gap to the pilots they were eating peanuts from a tray between them. The colours of the reefs were amazing. Have a Merry Christmas in USA.

  10. It was a ’56 chevy. Good to have you guys back with Granny, safe and sound. When do you head back?

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