The kids and I sailed into Thursday Island, tired and hungry. Actually, We sailed into Horn Island because that’s the island with protection from the prevailing winds, while the anchorage on Thursday Island, a mile away, is wide open. While Thursday is a little more interesting, a calm anchorage wins … Read More
Rounding Cape York
Our 3-person odyssey continued north with another overnight sail, but sometime in the middle of the night instead of sailing north around Australia we turned to head west around Australia. We rounded Cape York in the middle of the night, with flashing buoys all around us marking shallow reefs and … Read More
Up the East Coast
From Flinders it was an overnight sail up the east coast to a tiny place called Portland Sands. There was nothing there but a handful of homes tucked back off the beach and looking for all the world like a place that people go to hide from the government. Meanwhile, … Read More
Flinders Island
Another ninety miles or so found us at Flinders Island. The sail north was fantastic, as usual. The winds have been strong, in the 18-25 knot range, and reliably come from directly behind us. Even better is the fact that we are inside the Great Barrier Reef, so that despite … Read More
Lizard Island
It was a short sail up to Lizard Island, a place Ali and I had been 19 years earlier, to the day. Unfortunately, she was back in the States helping Grammy, instead of slogging up the hill with me again. Spot the cuttlefish, because I sure didn’t. Only saw it … Read More
Cooktown Goodbye
Cooktown harbour is a pleasant place. A well protected river surrounded by low hills, with a nice clean waterfront park, and a short walk to town. The grocery store is well stocked, and the gas station has slushy machines, so we were pretty well taken care of here. Power on … Read More
Cooktown Teen
With a birthday on the way, and a dwindling fresh food supply, we set out to meet our friends in Cooktown. Whales, whales, everywhere. We anchored in the Endeavour River, near where Cook beached his boat for repairs after running up on Endeavour Reef. These were both named after the … Read More
Northbound with the Whales
Twenty years ago when Ali and I sailed north from Sydney up along the coast of Australia every single person we talked to told us how perfect the winds blow when you’re sailing north. So, no surprise, it felt as if we never had good winds. All I remember of … Read More
Michaelmas Reef
Michaelmas Reef is just a short trip off the coast from Cairns. It’s a National Park and bird sanctuary, and it’s clear the birds appreciate it. There’s a couple of park mooring balls, and a bunch of private ones for the tour boats that come out each day. But early … Read More
So Long Cairns
We spent a couple of weeks total in Cairns. We spent a lot of time hanging out with friends, and even when we weren’t hanging out together we’d constantly run into each other around town. It’s that kind of place. The waterfront esplanade area was right along the way to … Read More
Cans, Caaaans
We’re in Cairns (pronounced Cans, but with a drawn-out a) and are a pretty happy lot right now. Two boats full of friends are here as well, so the kids have a pack to run around town with. They spend their days wandering off to the mall, down the esplanade, … Read More
Australian Barbie
Australian winter weather seems to be hit-or-miss. It’s definitely not all blue skies and sun like we envision it to be. Most mornings have looked like this, and the ten day forecast is pretty gray as well. Every afternoon seems to give us at least some sun, though. All along … Read More