Portland Life


Probably the single biggest reason that we like Portland over our hometown in Minnesota so much, is the neighborhoods. Sidewalks, unique homes, tons of flowers, one-off restaurants, antique vehicles, cars that stop and wait for you to arrive at crosswalks, parks all over the place, towering trees, local pubs, and … Read More

Royal Baby?


Sometimes I get the impression that people don’t believe just how out of touch we are with television and celebrity and sports and pretty much everything that is unrelated to our own small bubble that surrounds our boat. Then this happens while my mom watches her morning talk show and … Read More

Adiós Tías


It was great having Ali’s sisters out for a few days. The kids don’t see them enough, but when they do they can’t get enough of them. Ali and I will be hearing about their visit for days to come.

Beat the Heat


Portland, Oregon is feeling like San Carlos, Mexico at the moment, getting swept up in the heat wave rockin’ its way through the West. Instead of hibernating with the air-conditioner cranking we spent most of the day at a couple of different parks around town. Mexico needs more of these … Read More