You know, I was thinking the other day that I may just be becoming a sailor after all. Not because I am any good at sailing, in fact now that I’m on a monohull I think my sailing abilities have regressed to the point that I’d be considered a beginner again, but instead because of my bowline tying abilities. The other day when the dinghy davit support brace snapped I grabbed it with my right hand to keep it from slicing through the dinghy a second time. With my left hand I grabbed a loose line, used my teeth to form a loop, and proceeded to one-hand a perfect bowline knot on my first try using only my left hand and teeth while running downwind in twenty-five knots and holding onto that violently shifting dinghy davit support with my right. Now let’s see the chat room guys do that. I am such a bad-ass sailor.
On the home front, Ali’s parents arrived today.